Shows the name, id, points, rank and avatar of a player. If there is
no user it will show the informantion of the author of the
Sends a random image related to FGO or Gudako.
Sends a random quote of Gudako.
;coinflip or ;cf
Try your luck with a coinflip!
Make a suggestion to improve Gudako.
Sends an invitation to the support server.
> Trivia Commands:
Sends a trivia of FGO, guess the character in time and gain points!
;trivia vs < user > [ amount of points ]
Play against other members to gain more points!
;duel < user > [ amount of points ]
What better way to gain points than with a cowboy showdown!
;dailypoint or ;dp
Claim your daily point!
Upvote Gudako to gain a point, double points on weekends!
;top [ global ]
Shows the leaderboard of points. Without the global it only
shows the leaderboard of points of the server.
;info < user >
Shows the name, id, points, rank and avatar of a player. If there is
no user it will show the informantion of the author of the
;give < user > [ amount ] [ Points or Saint Quartz ]
Give the defined amount of Points or Saint Quartz to another user .
Shows the different modes for trivia.
Shows the mode of the trivia and each rank with their names, the
number of points you need to obtain them and the number of options
they have.
Resets the points of the author of the message.
> Character Commands:
See all the characters that can appear in trivia.
;view [ character ]
See the specific information of a character.
;view all
See all the characters with their images.
Spend 3 Saint Quartz to summon a character. React with to create a contract with it.
;break contract
Break the contract with your current character.
> Shop Commands:
;inventory < user >
Shows the inventory of a player. If there is
no user it will show the informantion of the author of the
Shows the shop with all the items that you can buy.
;buy < item >
Buy the item that is specified with points.
;use < item >
Use the specified item.
> Action Commands:
;threat < user >
;pat < user >
;hug < user >
;chase < user >
;dissapoint < user >
;harass < user >
;sanity < user >
;shut < user >
;fuckoff < user >
;kill < user >
;gacha < user >
;step < user >
;punch < user >
Try to mention another user or maybe yourself with each
action command and see what happens!
> Admin Commands:
;prefix < new prefix >
Sets the prefix for the server to the new prefix.
;clear < amount >
Deletes the amount of messages that are specified.
;setmode or ;sm [ normal / hard / master ]
Sets the mode of the trivia to the specified one (normal, hard or master).
;setrank or ;sr [ 1 - 4 ] < New Name >
Change the name of the rank number 1 - 4 to the
New Name.
;longmsg [ number ]
Set the number of words a message must have to trigger the "Long Message" event (by default is in 100 and if you want to disable the event, set it to 0).